...a beautifully volatile and disabled existence of raw humanity, art and activism...

Everyday Writings

rallying for the necessity of love

11 Sept, 2017

I am still formulating my thoughts on Marriage Equality and this utterly demeaning and violating postal vote. I have been literally feeling crushed by the inhumanity of it all. Yesterday, I mustered up enough hope and energy to leave my house (aka. My political blackhole) to march for more freedom to be whoever you are, and obviously that includes being free to intimately share your life with whoever you love. I am an avid believer in courage, love and gentle defiance, and in so many ways, I have been disheartened, immobilised and utterly devastated in becoming more aware of how society is founded on the exact opposite of these things. But being with one of the most excellent people in my life, Phoebe, and seeing the tens of thousands of humans who weren't necessarily for marriage, but were anti hate and for love, reminded me of the beautiful necessity of community and resilience to generate prominent social resistance....But like when we were waiting for the crowd to disseminate to start actually marching, Phoebe said 'this must be why it's called "gradual change"'. #pleasevoteyes

Georgia Cranko